Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those being impacted by the destruction of hurricane Ian.
We hope that you and your family are never seriously impacted by a hurricane or other unexpected disaster, but we want to provide you with the information and resources you need to ensure your home or business is prepared in the event a disaster does occur.
We’ve shared FEMA’s comprehensive Are Your Ready? Guide on our website to help you start the conversation about the importance of having a preparedness plan. At Clear: Restoration and PreDisaster Consulting, we have decades of experience helping clients develop emergency response plans to prepare for unexpected events.
The best time to start planning is now.
Download FEMA’s Are You Ready? Guide and start thinking about some
important questions:
• What do different weather alerts and warnings actually entail?
• What is your risk level for different types of disasters?
• What is covered by your insurance policy?
• Where are your important documents stored?
• What is your plan if you had to evacuate your home tomorrow?
Clear: Restoration and PreDisaster Consulting has a team of experts ready to help you build the plan that’s right for your family or business. Call us to learn more about our predisaster consulting and post disaster recovery solutions.
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